
Navigating Real Estate Transactions

Get A Feel For Homeownership By Renting A Low-Upkeep Single-Family Home

If you are determined to buy a house at some point in the future, you may want to learn as much as you can about being a homeowner. Although you will not be able to gain the same kind of experience compared to owning an actual home, you can put yourself into a similar situation by renting a house. To start off gently, you may want to rent a low-upkeep single-family home.

This makes it important to know what kind of things you should prioritize while searching around for a rental home to ensure a low-stress and positive learning experience.

Square Footage

When you begin analyzing rental listings, you should pay attention to the ones with minimal square footage. Since the square foot average will change based on the neighborhood, city, and state where you are looking to rent, you should look at a lot of listings early on. This will give you an opportunity to determine the square footage range that you can expect to find.

Afterward, you can focus on the rentals towards the lower end of square footage. This will allow you to rent a place without having to worry about excessive work due to square footage alone.

A large house will require you to put a lot of time and effort into routine cleaning tasks such as vacuuming and dusting since there will be so much space to cover. Living in a small rental home comes with the same responsibilities, but without having to put so much time into each task. 


Along with paying close attention to each house, you should not underestimate the landscape when it comes to its ability to impact your rental experience. A small landscape with mostly native plants is worth prioritizing because you will not have to do much to keep everything healthy.

An ideal situation is when you can move into a rental with an irrigation system because it will prevent you from having to go outside and water grass and plants manually.


Certain features inside and outside a home will be easier to maintain and use on a regular basis. For instance, a concrete driveway does not require as much upkeep as a gravel one because you do not have to worry about dirt and rocks getting kicked around, especially on windy days.

Getting tile or hardwood floors over carpeting is also worth considering as spills will not be something that you have to worry about turning into stains.

If you want to learn about homeownership by renting a house for a while, you should find a low-upkeep property to avoid an overwhelming experience.

To learn more about residential real estate, contact a local real estate agent today.

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Discussing Real Estate Transactions

Hi there, my name is Francesska O’Conner. Welcome to my website about real estate transactions. The real estate transaction process is particularly difficult to navigate without some guidance. Although real estate agents try to offer this guidance to their clients, sometimes a little information is lost along the way. I created this site to help explain the real estate transaction process from start to finish. I will explore both sides of the transaction process for buyers and sellers. I hope you will feel inspired to visit often to learn everything there is to know about real estate transactions. Thank you for coming by.


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